Carlingford High School

Developing Responsible and Independent Learners

Telephone02 9871 4222


Carlingford High School Library

Access Library resources at Oliver Library  


The Carlingford High School Library is a vibrant space for reading, learning and research. Our mission is to deliver the services and resources that enable our students to become critical and creative thinkers, ethical users and creators of information, and confident readers.


In the Library, we provide rich learning experiences and promote digital and information literacies as outlined in the ICT General Capabilities and the Information Fluency Framework. The Library has a teaching space, fiction area and quiet study zone. The Library can be booked by classroom teachers to work collaboratively with the Teacher Librarian to work on specific research or referencing skills. Our fiction area is used by classes and individual staff and students for quiet reading.


Carlingford High School Library provides both print and digital resources to support the learning of students. We provide a wide range of e-resources aligned with the curriculum. This ensures that students are accessing reliable, current, authoritative sources of information for their research tasks. Our e-resources are available via Oliver Library.

Research shows that reading widely is essential for intellectual, personal and social development and wellbeing. We provide engaging print, e-book and audio reading choices to encourage reading for pleasure. Students and staff are encouraged to suggest books to add to our collection.

The Library also supports the social and well-being needs of students by providing crafts, puzzles, games, and competitions. These activities promote the library as a ‘safe’ space for students where they can feel socially connected and supported.